Posts Tagged ‘ Bayside ’

Armed Robbers Still On The Run

Scene Of Crime : Bayside Shopping Centre

Gardai are still on the hunt for two men who raided a Dublin Post Office last Friday.

Two men, one of whom was armed, entered the post office at Bayside Shopping Centre and threatened the cashier.

The perpetrators, who were wearing balaclavas, escaped with an undisclosed sum of money.

This is not the first time the post office has been held up as a similar unsuccessful daylight raid took place in 2009. The robbery has led to local businesses taking preventative measures to combat theft.

The seriousness of the incident has added to growing worry in the area regarding crime. Last month’s murder of provisional IRA boss Alan Ryan in nearby Donaghmede has left the local community in a state of fear and sources suggest reprisal attacks may not be far away.

By Dean Ruxton