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The Inbetweeners 2: Up, Down And Everything Inbetween


The last time we caught up with the lads, the fantastic foursome were all seemingly growing up and settling down into relationships, after an epic holiday in Crete to celebrate finishing their final year at school. The second film picks up nine months later and the happily ever after has been very much undone for The Inbetweeners.

None of the relationships lasted for the boys, apart from Simon who is still dating Lucy, although far from being the loveable innocent sweet girl he met on holiday Lucy has turned into the girlfriend from hell. Will has finally made it to University, which turns out to be somewhat different from the utopia he always expected it to be and he finds himself missing his mates. Neil is still the same happy go lucky Neil he has always been, except now he works in a respectable bank job. And then, of course, there is Jay… Continue reading

Five Films That May Have Slipped Through Your Radar


The most anticipated film of the summer, Guardians of the Galaxy, makes its debut this week. While Guardians will undoubtedly enjoy the same success as this year’s previous blockbuster hits such as The Lego Movie, X-Men: Days Of Future Past, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and the more recent Dawn Of The Planet Of The Apes, it is worth taking a look at some of this year’s lesser know cinematic entries.

The film industry currently churns out more big screen outings a year than ever before, which sadly means we have to trawl through mountains of sparkly vampire love stories and Michael Bay presents too-many-explosions-for-its-own-good movie fluff, to uncover the real diamonds in the rough. Fortunately, you don’t have to, because since the invention of the internet, others can do the trawling for you and tell you what’s hot and what’s not. Continue reading

The War At Home – Ireland’s Relationship With Israel


Ireland Abstained from a UN vote on Gaza (image:

Ireland Abstained from a UN vote on Gaza (image:

Ireland’s decision to abstain from a vote into the investigation of Israeli war crimes in Gaza yesterday at the United Nations Human Rights Council has caused uproar amongst the Irish people.

The news was met with utter disgust by a large percentage of Irish citizens, who feel misrepresented by members of our government. Sinn Féin President Gerry Adams also showed his disdain by accusing the government of “political cowardice”, while Fianna Fáil Senator Averil Power announced she is “shocked and disgusted with the Irish government’s decision not to support an international inquiry into Israel’s actions in Gaza.” Continue reading