Farmer Sentenced To Life Over Homophobic Murder

A 33-year-old Clare farmer has been jailed for life for the murder of a 21-year-old law student in 2011.

A jury at the Central Criminal Court found Joe Heffernan of Cappagh Beg, Barefield, Ennis guilty of the murder of Eoin Ryan by majority verdict after more than six hours of deliberation. 

The body of the law student from Newhall, Clare was found in a barrel on Heffernan’s farm on June 7th 2011. He had died of severe head injuries in what was described as an extraordinary case of overkill and an assault of unusual severity.

Prosecutors said the victim, who left the pub with his murderer, was gay and Heffernan killed him because of his “abhorrence” at the possibility he too might be gay or have engaged in a homosexual act.

In a call made to the emergency services Joe Heffernan had claimed his victim who he described as “the devil” had made a pass at him before stating “I’m no queer”.

His defence team had asked the jury for a manslaughter verdict but they were denied. Mr Justice Patrick McCarthy told the jury that they could reach one of three possible verdicts, none of which could be an acquittal. He said they could find him guilty of murder, of manslaughter or of manslaughter by reason of diminished responsibility.

Senior Counsel Patrick Gageby said either a mental disorder or intoxication had caused Heffernan to see the devil.

In a victim impact statement Mr Ryan’s brother Daniel said Eoin, who had just completed an internship with the European Parliament, was the baby of the family and was cherished.

He said: “No human being deserves to die the lonely, terrifying and violent death, least of all someone as peaceful and gentle as our Eoin. Our world ended on June 7th 2011.”He said they could never come to terms with the barbaric act that brutally ended his life and destroyed so many more lives.


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