Posts Tagged ‘ Ennis ’

Dublin Tourism Boosted With New Sightseeing Service

Photo:Michael Donnelly.

Transport guru John ‘O Sullivan has launched his latest venture,an exciting Cityscape Sightseeing Tour, which will compliment his regular Dublin coach service.

The four million invested Cityscape initiative is welcomed as a boost to the tourism and employment industry. It has provided 40 new jobs to the capital. The Cityscape experience offers a must-have trip to all the top attractions of the city. In operation since September 23rd , Cityscape makes 28 stops across the city, including Dublin Castle, Kilmainham Gaol and more. It runs very efficiently seven days a week, 364 days of the year at fifteen minute intervals. Continue reading

News In Brief- Knowing Me, Knowing Who?


Rebekah Brooks (former News of the World) has said this week she didn’t know phone hacking was illegal and that she couldn’t have that fella’s croissant and his new Lamborghini without asking either. She may have known what the celebs were getting up to on their nights off but she didn’t know she wasn’t meant to know. Ah. God love her.

Similarly Peter Robinson, up north, didn’t know the PSNI had sent a letter to a Republican “on-the-run” to tell him he wasn’t wanted anymore. Peter immediately called for a judicial review and issued a threat to resign, a threat that sank faster than Jesus’ pint after forty days in the desert. Not that Peter’s threat actually meant anything to anyone, except perhaps his wife. Continue reading

Early Action Indicates Exciting Hurling Season Ahead


Nowlan Park played host to the clash of Kilkenny and Tipperary last weekend. Unlike the international Six Nations game between Wales and France, the organisers in Kilkenny opted to play with the roof open. The storm hit frame of the old stand was all that was left and it’s skeletal remains proved to be an eerie backdrop to what turned out to be an enthralling battle between these closest of rivals. Ireland may have lost narrowly to the ‘auld enemy’ in London at the weekend and for much of this game, it looked like Kilkenny were going to follow suit.

An exhibition of goal taking from both sides kept the crowd involved until the very last minutes. If this were a sixty minute game, well then Tipperary would have just about done enough but it wasn’t and those last ten minutes proved more than fruitful for the home team. It looked from early on that Kilkenny would be put to the sword by a more accurate Tipperary. The storm that had done so much damage in Kilkenny the week previous was only playing second fiddle to the damage that Tipperary forward Seamus Callanan and his team mates were inflicting on the Kilkenny defence. After just fourteen minutes on the clock, Tipperary had amassed 3-3 on the scoreboard. It must be said that Tipperary were playing with a strong breeze behind their backs for the first half but their goals came from some very poor Kilkenny defending. Tipperary will be kicking themselves this morning that they managed to let a ten point lead disappear in front of their very eyes. The same two teams competed in the League Final in Nowlan Park last year, with the same winners emerging. They also played in the All Ireland qualifiers at the same venue in 2013 and so the Tipperary supporters and players will not want to return anytime soon. Continue reading

Farmer Sentenced To Life Over Homophobic Murder

A 33-year-old Clare farmer has been jailed for life for the murder of a 21-year-old law student in 2011.

A jury at the Central Criminal Court found Joe Heffernan of Cappagh Beg, Barefield, Ennis guilty of the murder of Eoin Ryan by majority verdict after more than six hours of deliberation.  Continue reading