Posts Tagged ‘ Asgard ’

Thor: The Dark World



I personally am a massive comic book fan, especially Marvel comics. My top 20 favourite films mainly consist of gritty noir films, art house independents and cult classics. However the real exception to this trend would be Avengers Assemble which I can safely say is the most enjoyable movie I have ever seen. The first time I saw it was genuinely one of the most exciting and brilliant experiences of my life. I enjoyed it more than any of my birthdays and any Christmas day ever. I realize how pathetic that may sound but its the truth. So naturally you imagine I would be very excited for Thor: The Dark World. I was and I wasn’t.

Any super hero movie gets me excited. Guardians Of The Galaxy are C list at best super heroes who have a movie coming out in 2015 and I have been actively excited since August 2013 when it was announced. However I was reserved with my expectations going into Thor for one reason … Iron Man 3. Iron Man 3 is an actually pretty well liked movie and was a huge success for Marvel studios however I hate it with a passion. I won’t get into the details of my deep hatred now but it has to be noted it left a poor taste in my mouth and left me skeptical about Thor 2. Well the movie finally came along and it has re-affirmed my faith in the church of Marvel. Continue reading