Posts Tagged ‘ Newport Gwent Dragons ’

Rabo Direct Pro 12: Munster Beat Ospreys To Remain Top Of The League


Rabo Direct Pro 12

Munster 12 – 6 Ospreys

Munster started this game well when Ian Keatley converted two penalties to give them a comfortable six point lead. The Ospreys struggled to get into gear and eventually got on the scoreboard when Matthew Morgan converted their only score of the half with an easy penalty in front of the posts. Munster dominated the last few minutes of the half and were denied a try by the television match official who altered the decision due to an incomplete scrum and the ball coming out of the tunnel. Munster led by 6 points to 3 at half time and stood firm in defence. Munster remained in control in the second half with Ian Keatley and JJ Hanrahan slotting over penalties to extend their lead by 12 to 3. A late penalty by Morgan was a mere consolation, although it put some respectivity on the scoreboard, Munster go top of the Rabo Direct Pro 12 winning this game by 12 points to 6. Continue reading

Rabo Preview: Munster Face Top Of Table Clash With Ospreys


Leinster v Newport Gwent Dragons

Leinster have been impressive so far this season, proving to be a very strong team and it will take something special to beat them. Newport Gwent Dragons might not possess the same strengths as some other Welsh clubs but should still be capable of putting in a good performance on their home patch. Leinster will be weakened by Irish players preparing for the Autumn internationals so this game is most certainly in the melting pot and the Dragons have a solid chance of coming out on top.

Verdict: Dragons Continue reading