Posts Tagged ‘ Cake ’

News In Brief-Kilkenny Man’s Hitler Cake Courts Controversy



There are monkeys loose in Belfast. Actual monkeys, running about, acting the maggot. They escaped from Belfast Zoo and have since been blamed for trouble in the Holy Lands, excessive drinking, late night parties and defecating in the street. (For those that don’t know the Holy Lands are a notoriously student populated part of the city. You’ve probably seen the area on the news when the lads have set light to a car.) Still, if you can’t beat ’em join ’em is what Martin McGuinness and First Minister Peter Robinson are reported to have said in a joint statement.

VAT on hurleys is to remain the same at 23% despite ash dieback affecting the trees they’re made from. We’ll be forced to make sliotars from spuds and our sticks from ham sandwiches! It’s not really a joke though, despite the issue being brought to the attention of a certain Noo-Nar man it was rejected as VAT can only be reduced in very “limited cases”, like if you’re a multi-billion dollar technology company. The trees may be dying off but soon it’ll be the hurley makers business dying back. Continue reading

Chocolate Biscuit Cake with Marshmallows


So what do you do when you have ten million marshmallows?? Well, instead of risking diabetes I made some chocolate biscuit cake and threw them in there! (Then I ate the cake so defeated the original purpose). I can’t take credit for the biscuit cake recipe; it is my granny’s and is the best I have ever had, the biscuits stay crunchy unlike biscuit cakes with digestives in them I find. There is also an egg stirred in at the end. Don’t be scared, I have been eating this for 24yrs and I am fiiiiiine 🙂 Continue reading

Orange and Honey Drizzle Cake


It looks like Spring has finally decided to show its face in Ireland; and, although it snowed last week and may indeed snow again next week, today I am embracing the sunshine and light breeze 🙂 In a perfect world with perfectly timed seasons this would be my Springtime cake, it’s light and moist with a crunchy and slightly sticky crust. Yum! Although the normal drizzle cake is lemon which I love also I think oranges work really well and go better with the honey flavours than lemons would. Continue reading

Kahlua Flourless Chocolate Cake


This chocolate-coffee cake is incredibly rich, dense and decadent, it’s hard to manage more than a small slice; though not impossible 🙂 I have adapted the following recipe from Avoca’s “Mother’s Day Chocolate Cake” from A Year at Avoca: A Cookbook which is such a great cookbook that uses amazing recipes that feature great quality Irish ingredients. Continue reading

The Seven Cookbooks Of Christmas

Cookbooks make great Christmas presents and stocking fillers, they are bright and have the most beautiful pictures that could send even the most kitchen-fearing member of your family running for the flour and eggs! However, often there are so many cookbooks in a bookshop that, unless you are a foodie at heart, you can be left feeling overwhelmed and perhaps grab the nearest you see, which could lead to disappointment on the present receiver’s part! My guide to cookbooks is based around the notion that Irish cookbooks are the best to buy, not only because in Ireland today it is essential to buy local and buy Irish but also you eliminate the risk of lack of produce that may be widely available in Britain or Europe but have not quite reached our shores yet. Often Irish cookbooks will tell you which fruits and veg are in season and when which is very helpful as you are using a recipe in which you know the ingredients will be fresh, in season and readily available! Have a look at some of the cookbooks below and you will see there is one for everybody in your family! And remember, always buy local and buy Irish!

For the Sweet-Tooth

Rachel Allen of Ballymaloe has become a welcome and permanent fixture on our bookshelves. Her recipes are simple, well-informed and easy to follow.“Cake” is absolutely no exception. The photos in the book are bright and beautiful, a welcome addition to any home cook’s bookshelf!  Buy this for the sweet-tooth in your life and you could be receiving baked goods for life, result!


For Granny 

I know exactly what you are thinking; my granny would never give up her own recipes to follow anybody else’s but this book, written by the Countrywomen’s Association contains all things traditional and loving that even the most precise and pernickety or grandmother’s will appreciate!


For the Italian Foodie

I’m not sure about you but I absolutely love seeing Catherine Fulvio on her tv show; she is bright, bubbly, smiley and her recipes are easy to follow whilst her authentic Italian creations are greatly inspired by the Irish landscape and produce around her in the beautiful Ballyknocken. This cookbook won’t disappoint and has lots of simple, delicious and hearty Italian recipes for you to try at home!


For Dad

Men love hearty and wholesome food, yes,I hear you, they also love to eat apple pie, but only those of you lucky to own one of those men will rarely see them faffing around with pastry. This book, “Surf’n’Turf” by Shanahan and Flynn will engage the male cook through its hearty and fulfilling recipes. There is even a pint of Guinness on the front cover, if that doesn’t make them turn the page, nothing will so just stick with the socks for Christmas!


For the Vegetarian

Café Paradiso is one of the most beautiful and amazing restaurants in Cork city. The things that thechefs can do with vegetarian food is truly a treat and this cookbook means you open up the world of awe-inspiring vegetarian cooking in Café Paradiso to the veggie in your life who is sick of the same old veggie risotto! This book is haute-cuisine vegetarian at its very best.


For your Brother

Donal Skehan has had a successful year, starring in both his own RTÉ show and on Junior Masterchef. Having come to attnetion through his cooking blog and offered a book deal and subsequently approached by RTÉ it is safe to say this boy is going places. However, one look at his simple, easy to follow and delicious looking recipes leave no question as to why he has come so far and will continue to do so!


For the Yummy-Mummy

Sheila Kiely’s book “Gimme the Recipe” is designed for busy schedules and a hectic lifestyle. They are tried and tested by herself (a mother to six children!). If anybody knows how important it is to feed your family nutritious, healthy food under time and work constraints, it’s Sheila! So, for the busy working mother in your life why not get this! The colourful, clear and bright pictures add a beautiful touch to a very popular cookbook.
