Posts Tagged ‘ Brussels ’

PSNI Arrest Suspect In McCartney Murder Probe

whymydaPolice in Northern Ireland have arrested a man in connection with the murder of father of two Robert McCartney in 2005.

PSNI detectives arrested the 51-year-old in Jonesborough in Armagh this morning and searched a property in the area. Continue reading

“Nothing To Fear” – Kenny on Potential Fiscal Referendum

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has today said that there is “nothing to fear from a referendum” on the proposed eurozone fiscal treaty.

Mr Kenny made the comments ahead of a summit of EU leaders in Brussels at which the wording of such a document will be agreed. Irish government officials are said to be hopeful that the final text will enable the treaty to be implemented without the holding of a national referendum.

Mr Kenny said, “I’ve made this perfectly clear: that when the text is finalised, I will ask the Attorney General formally to present the government with the Attorney General’s response as to whether the agreed text – as finalised by the politicians – is in compliance with our constitution. If it is in compliance with Bunreacht na hÉireann, there is no need for a referendum. If it’s not, there will be a referendum.”

Speaking on RTÉ’s Morning Ireland radio programme today, Minister of State for European Affairs Lucinda Creighton said she was hopeful the core of the draft treaty would remain unchanged. She also acknowledged that it would be difficult for Ireland to remain in the eurozone if voters rejected the treaty, saying “I think it would make it almost impossible for us to continue as part of the currency union because being part of a currency union means you have to abide by the rules.” On the same programme, Sinn Féin spokesperson on Foreign Affairs and Trade Pádraig Mac Lochlainn accused the government of “running away from debate” by not holding a referendum.

A Belgium-wide general strike is currently underway to coincide with the political summit in Brussels. The work stoppage was organised by trade unions in protest at the plans of the newly-formed government to cut €11 billion in public spending and to raise the country’s retirement age. AFP reports that no public transport is available and blockades are present on many of the country’s roads, forcing the Belgian government to arrange access for the arriving EU leaders through a military airport.

Dutch prime minister Mark Rutte told assembled reporters in Brussels that he hoped the conference would capacitate Greece, Portugal and Ireland to become less reliant on EU funding and to return to the open borrowing markets.

Germany recently confirmed it is seeking to have an EU-appointed “budget commissioner” sent to Greece with powers to override its government’s budget policy if necessary. Any other bailout-recipient country, including Ireland, that consistently miss repayment targets could face a similar fate.

Twenty five of the twenty seven EU states have consented to a eurozone fiscal stability treaty, with Britain and the Czech Republic refusing to sign the proposed intergovernmental document.

Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin has become the latest opposition politician to voice his reservations about the treaty, describing it as “too limited to solve the crisis”.

The treaty will be formally signed at the next EU summit in early March and ratified by 1 January, 2013.

If the Attorney General decides the treaty does not breach the Constitution and a referendum is not required to implement it, a legal challenge from opposition parties is likely. The United Left Alliance today described not holding a referendum as “utterly undemocratic”.

Strauss-Khan Denied Bail

A New York judge has remanded International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn in custody on charges that he sexually assaulted a hotel maid.

Strauss-Kahn was ‘disappointed’ a court denied him bail on sexual assault charges, but his lawyer insisted that the IMF chief would mount a vigorous defense, saying ‘this battle has just begun.’

‘We are obviously disappointed by the court decision,’ lawyer Benjamin Brafman told reporters after the judge denied the French dignitary bail despite his defense team’s offer to put up $1 million in cash and surrender all his travel documents.

Judge Melissa Jackson said Strauss-Kahn should be remanded because he was ‘a flight risk’ after being charged on Saturday with sexual assault and attempted rape of a maid at a luxury hotel in Manhattan. His arrest was met by great surprise and was highly praised in ome quarters as the American authorities stooped on one of the world`s most influential figures.

Mr Strauss-Kahn is due to reappear in court on Friday.

Prosecutors said they were concerned that Mr Strauss-Kahn might flee to France if released. Defence lawyers said Mr Strauss-Kahn denied the charges against him.

Mr Strauss-Kahn was pulled off a Paris-bound plane on Saturday and charged with a criminal sexual act, attempted rape and unlawful imprisonment in a scandal that appears to have all but ended his hopes of running for president of France.

His position within the Washington based IMF remains untouched at present however it is widely believed this case may lead to his downfall.

Mr Strauss-Kahn missed an important meeting in Brussels on Monday where the European Union unanimously voted in support of the €80 million bailout deal for Portugal.