Posts Tagged ‘ Fish ’

News in Brief- Gardai Enjoy Eggcellent Banter


For the day that was in it this week you have to be careful what you believe in this edition of NIB . . .

Limerick Council have introduced a new approach to dog littering, installing motion activated sensors that remind dog walkers to pick up after their pooch. NIB thinks it is a fantastic idea and could be rolled out to other areas of anti-social behaviour, OR EVEN BETTER, make them holograms! If Paul O’Connell popped up in the street as you casually threw aside a fag butt you’d be pretty quick about picking it up again. Continue reading

Clean Eating Fish Pie


I know I haven’t done any Christmassy recipes yet (I promise they are to come!) but I am already planning the meals that will get me back on a healthy track when gloomy January comes around. This fish pie will help you overcome the post-Christmas slump when the sight of a mince pie or nan’s christmas cake is enough to make you heave in your sweatpants which are all that fit you right now (Mean Girls joke, sorry)  Keep this recipe on hand for a light, satisfying recipe that is filled with nutrient rich fish and vegetables. Continue reading

News in Brief-Reforms Galore As Junior Cert Set For Chop And Grease Duo Pen Christmas Hit

Christmas No.1: All That They Want

In Kilmore Quay, Wexford there was such a thing as a free lunch yesterday as local skipper Jimmy Byrne of the Saltees Quest, owned by Séamus O’Flaherty, staged at protest at EU fishing regulations. The boat, against regulations came in carrying over its EU quota which states all surplus must be thrown back in to the sea. The crew then boxed up the fish and gave it free to the public. Mr Byrne said; “I have a certain quota of fish to catch and the monkfish end up getting caught. There’s more monkfish in Ireland than ever before. I can’t tell the monkfish not to go into the net.” The best fish in life are free.
Also in Wexford, in Enniscorthy, dogs have been attacking sheep. One farmer who has lost four of his flock described the rest of his sheep as being “deeply traumatised”.

There has been a crack-down on illegal drugs for sale in the North as part of operation Pangea V – sounds more like a shampoo. The curtailing of sale of these drugs including 55,000 benzodiazepine sedatives plus erectile dysfunction tablets is nothing to get excited about as they are potentially life-threatening.

Junior Cert reforms are under way with second level students of 2014 now to be examined under the new system. Learning to learn rather than learning to remember has caused controversy amongst students and teachers. Both the Teachers’ Union of Ireland (TUI) and the Association of Secondary Teachers of Ireland (ASTI) have criticised the plans and questioned how much more work this will create for teachers but it will be 2020 till we really see the results.

Enda Kenny assured there will be no cuts to child allowance. Instead, in a display of great insight, children will be cut – in half! All parents are urged to reduce the cost of their kids by reducing their size and consider cutting of arms or legs, less child requires less food and clothing.

Kids are too fat anyway according to a new statement by Safefood’s director of human health and nutrition, Dr Cliodhna Foley Nolan. Nolan has suggested weight and waste measurements are taken as regularly as eye tests to cut down on the number of overweight kids and obesity related health problems. Sen Crown, a doctor specialising in cancer medicine, blamed obesity as a risk factor for a number of cancers, adding that “surprisingly” you’ll do better in treatment if you’re not obese. Who knew?!

In celeb news the reunion we’ve all been waiting for is finally on the cards. Of course I mean Olivia Newton-John and John Travolta. It may only be October but it’s the Christmas number one they want as the pair have confirmed they will be releasing a festive single this year.

Strange News

Broken Nose for Real Life Superhero

 A self-styled superhero who patrols the streets of Seattle has been injured while fighting crime.

Phoenix Jones, who dons a mask and costumed body armour to thwart criminals and keep his US city safe, has suffered a broken nose while trying to break up a fight.

Two Million Fish Found Dead

Two million fish have been found dead in Maryland in the latest incident to baffle American scientists.

Last week 500 blackbirds fell from the sky, causing a massive clean up operation in Louisiana.

On New Year’s Eve in Arkansas, thousands of the same species were found, followed by the discovery of around 100,000 dead fish in a river about a hundred miles away

Witches Cast Spell on Romanian Government

Romanian Witches, have cast a spell over their government in order to voice their dissatisfaction at having to pay tax.

A dozen witches threw the poisonous mandrake plant into the Danube in order to curse the officials who brought the act into law.

Witches are widely consulted in Romania, but they have fallen under the new tax bracket as have astrologers and fortune tellers, who previously avoided paying tax.