Posts Tagged ‘ Newspapers ’

News In Brief- Knowing Me, Knowing Who?


Rebekah Brooks (former News of the World) has said this week she didn’t know phone hacking was illegal and that she couldn’t have that fella’s croissant and his new Lamborghini without asking either. She may have known what the celebs were getting up to on their nights off but she didn’t know she wasn’t meant to know. Ah. God love her.

Similarly Peter Robinson, up north, didn’t know the PSNI had sent a letter to a Republican “on-the-run” to tell him he wasn’t wanted anymore. Peter immediately called for a judicial review and issued a threat to resign, a threat that sank faster than Jesus’ pint after forty days in the desert. Not that Peter’s threat actually meant anything to anyone, except perhaps his wife. Continue reading

Miliband Fuming As Reporter Crashes Private Memorial


Ed Miliband has written to Lord Rothermere, the proprietor of the Daily Mail and the Mail on Sunday newspapers to complain after a reporter showed up to a private memorial event uninvited.

The Labour Party leader is furious after the reporter , who has since been suspended , showed up and began pressing his grief stricken family for comments. Continue reading