Posts Tagged ‘ County Clare ’

News In Brief- Knowing Me, Knowing Who?


Rebekah Brooks (former News of the World) has said this week she didn’t know phone hacking was illegal and that she couldn’t have that fella’s croissant and his new Lamborghini without asking either. She may have known what the celebs were getting up to on their nights off but she didn’t know she wasn’t meant to know. Ah. God love her.

Similarly Peter Robinson, up north, didn’t know the PSNI had sent a letter to a Republican “on-the-run” to tell him he wasn’t wanted anymore. Peter immediately called for a judicial review and issued a threat to resign, a threat that sank faster than Jesus’ pint after forty days in the desert. Not that Peter’s threat actually meant anything to anyone, except perhaps his wife. Continue reading

The Burren – A Landscape Shaped By Time


While recent storms have demonstrated how the weather and power of the Atlantic Ocean can have a devastating impact on Ireland’s coastline, a new series of lectures will examine how the landscape of the Burren region has changed over millions of years due to floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and ice ages.

The “Stone Water & Ice: Understanding the Burren Landscape” evening courses being hosted by the Burren & Cliffs of Moher Geopark and the Burren Outdoor Education Centre take place between February 13th and March 13th, 2014. Amongst the keynote speakers will be Dr. John Murray of NUIG’s Earth and Ocean Science Department, Geologist Dr. Eamon Doyle, and the Burren Outdoor Education Centre’s head of field studies Colin Bunce. Continue reading

Ryanair Announcement To Help Sustain Tourism Jobs


The Clare Tourism Forum, the group responsible for tourism marketing and the promotion of County Clare, has welcomed today’s Ryanair announcement at Shannon Airport saying that it will help to sustain thousands of jobs in the local tourism and hospitality sector.

Forum Chairperson Donnagh Gregson said: “The provision of direct services to French and German destinations in particular is a significant moment not only for Shannon Airport but tourism in this region as it will enable operators here to capitalise on the recent growth we have seen in the number of continental tourists visiting the County. Furthermore, this announcement will help to sustain existing jobs and create new opportunities for development amongst tourism operators in the wider region.” Continue reading

Search Resumes For Missing Fisherman


The search for a missing fisherman who was washed into the sea in County Clare has resumed.

It is believed the Latvian man, aged 42-years-old, was fishing on the rocks with some friends at Ballyreen near Fanore when he was washed into the sea.

It’s understood that  the man, who is believed to be a resident of the Lanesborough area of County Longford, was struck by a wave and was not wearing a lifejacket at the time , meaning he may have been dragged beneath the waves by his heavy clothing. Continue reading