Posts Tagged ‘ Conservative Party ’

News in Brief: MP Suggests Ireland Join British Commonwealth



Tory MP With A Great Thatch

The Cabinet is being rifled with again, like a bowl of crap crisps at a party. Apparently the Taoiseach has said it will be in September after the European elections and could see Ruairi Quinn sent to the back of the class in the Department of Education. A senior source though has said no one really knows what’s going on. Sure if they don’t know who’s in charge of what, how will we know who to complain about?

A fella in Dublin is complaining, about his complete lack of golfing ability. In fact he is selling his clubs after coming to the realisation ‘I’m a danger to both myself and everyone else on the golf course’. Aww. The vendor, Ciaran, has declared himself the worst golfer in the world and is also selling some other golfing kit on Done Deal, ‘Also included is a Sureshot GPS unit for measuring distance to front/middle/ back of green on each hole. Please note this is only of use if you have any balls left to hit.’ Continue reading

Scotland Must Ditch Pound If Independence Is Gained


Seven months remain between now and referendum day, when Scots will be asked ‘should Scotland be an independent country?’. Whilst the No campaign – or ‘better together’, a cross-party alliance between Conservatives, Labour, and the Liberal Democrats – have the upper hand in most polling data, the sizeable number of Scots who are ‘don’t knows’ ensures that the result of the referendum, and the future of the United Kingdom, is all to play for.

The issue of currency has been a key battleground between the two sides of the campaign. Before the collapse of the Eurozone, the Scottish National Party (SNP) argued that an independent Scotland – like Ireland – would join the European common currency. With that option now politically dead in the water, the SNP have since argued that the pound sterling could be retained in a UK currency union. Continue reading

Margaret Thatcher Dies Following Stroke At 87

Britain’s Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher has died after suffering a stroke at the age of 87.

Speaking to Sky News, spokesman and friend Lord Bell, who announced her death this morning, said: “We’ll never see the like of her again. She was one of the great prime ministers of all time and transformed people’s lives.”

He described the former prime minister, who served three terms in office between 179-1990, as the greatest leader of the Conservative Party with the exception of Winston Churchill.

Mrs Thatcher was the longest-serving British prime minister in the 20th century, holding office from 1979-1990 and in doing so she became the first conservative leader to emerge victorious from three successive elections. Continue reading