Posts Tagged ‘ Irish Rail ’

News in Brief- Gardai Enjoy Eggcellent Banter


For the day that was in it this week you have to be careful what you believe in this edition of NIB . . .

Limerick Council have introduced a new approach to dog littering, installing motion activated sensors that remind dog walkers to pick up after their pooch. NIB thinks it is a fantastic idea and could be rolled out to other areas of anti-social behaviour, OR EVEN BETTER, make them holograms! If Paul O’Connell popped up in the street as you casually threw aside a fag butt you’d be pretty quick about picking it up again. Continue reading

News in Brief-Ireland Goes Blaa Blaa As Michael D Set To Visit Lizzy


Blaa, Blaa, Blaa, only in Waterford! That’s right, the floury nap has been given protected status so that the name Blaa can only be applied if the bread is made in the South East. They join Champagne, Cornish Pasties and Feta Cheese after a group of Waterford bakers united to prevent imitators.

A nun has had her claim for damages of €38,000 after a car accident quashed as the judge ruled the accident never happened. Sister Helen Ugbome, of the Nigeria-based Holy Family Sisters told the court she was hit in the rear of her vehicle by Edel Macklin from Glasnevin, while stopped at traffic lights. However Ms Macklin disputed the claims saying, she was stopped behind Sr Ugbome when she got out of her car, told Macklin she’d hit her and got her insurance details. The judge however wasn’t having it and suggested Sr Ugbome was in fact trying to claim an estimate of insurance after an accident a month previous. God giveth and God does taketh away. Continue reading

Irish Rail Offers Apology to Same Sex Couple

Iarnròd Èireann have issued an apology to a same sex couple after the railway operator questioned the validity of their pass last weekend. 

The couple, Noel Dolan and his partner Juan Carlos Camacho Suarez, were refused entry to a Dublin to Cork train at Heuston station last Sunday. 

Dolan had been provided with a travel pass by the Department of Social Protection which would cover both himself and his partner on a return trip to the capital. 

The couple had travelled to Dublin in order to attend the Noise March for Marriage Equality but were informed by a staff member at Heuston that their pass was invalid and they would be unable to board the train . 

The couple claim they were told that Irish Rail does not recognise same sex marriage. After requesting to speak to a supervisor the couple were further enraged that the issue was not resolved. 

Dolan and Suarez made the journey home by buying a regular ticket. 

Iarnròd Èireann has since apologised for the incident, stating it has “no policy in relation to free travel for those in same sex or any other types of marriage.”