Posts Tagged ‘ dogs ’

News in Brief-Vandals Graffiti Cork Graveyard As Dog Seatbelts Appear On The Agenda

It’s a horror filled News in Brief this week. Consider it a public service announcement, we’re all only minutes from death!

First, if your fit, not afraid of losing limbs and looking for work, NIB may have found the perfect position (haemophiliacs need not apply). If you’ve always wanted work that pushes you to the edge of your endurance Dublin City Council could be the place for you as new figures show the number of personal injury claims by staff while at work total €2.3m. Who knew life in public service could be so rough? 155 cases are still outstanding though employees often opt to stay at work during ongoing legal proceedings. Bless the brave souls of the city council. Continue reading

News in Brief- Paisley Jnr Shot Down Over Racist Jibe As Pyjama Girls Among Celebration Of Iconic Dublin

pjsAt least January is over – only eleven months till Christmas – and with the months end comes the promise of Spring. Better weather, green on the trees and no chance of a pay rise this year for 10% of Irish retail staff. More than 17% surveyed also expect to cut bonuses and overtime as they struggle to meet the costs of overheads and a decrease in consumer demand. Continue reading

News in Brief- Giant Snowman Kidnapped From Wicklow As Cork Councillor Suggests Remedy For Doggy Dirt

snowyJust call him Leveson Walsh, old Louis’s fought press laws and he’s won. The X Factor judge has this week settled a €500,000 defamation action against News Group Newspapers in Ireland. This comes alongside the results of the Lord Justice Leveson inquiry into press standards in the UK. The full four volume work was published yesterday and could see the papers going quiet over the water. But not News in Brief. No, we shall continue un-rumbled by the regulators for a while at least.

It’s not even the 1st of December but Santa and his helpers are on red alert. Particularly in County Wicklow where Snowy, the imaginatively named, giant snowman has gone missing and up to five hundred Christmas trees have also been nabbed.

Growers are employing extra security and even installing CCTV to protect their pines. But for poor Snowy it was too little, too late. Last seen wearing a black hat and carrot nose, the sixty foot inflatable worth approximately €3000, went missing from his home above a shop on Fitzwilliam street in the town. Although there have been some reported sightings nothing has been confirmed.

Enda nearly had egg on his face yesterday as students protested against grants cuts at University College Dublin. The Taoiseach who was visiting the university to launch their new sports centre narrowly avoided the missiles. Members of Free Education for Everyone who were involved in orchestrating the demonstration accused Mr Kenny’s budget of targeting societies most vulnerable. A worthy cause, but who’ll stand up for cannon fodder, those poor innocent chickens?

Some say he can smell dogs mess from four miles away. Some say his family call him the Super Pooper Scooper. All we know is that a councillor in Cork wants to start DNA testing dogs mess in an effort to crack down on pavement foulers! Cllr Kevin O’Keeffe (FF) raised the issue at a recent council meeting after researching similar methods used in the US.

Apparently any accidents at Sellafield nuclear site would have no ill effects on Ireland according to a new report but News in Brief fears it may be too late. Earlier this week another two Jedwards, clones (all right if you’ve seen them that’s questionable) of the original two were unleashed on the world! A Jedquad if you will. It’s OK though the two new Grimes’ are only wax works at the National Wax Museum in Dublin. We hope.

And finally Newstalk radio posed an interesting question during the week. Do Protestants put the toaster in the press overnight? Answers on a postcard.

Space for rent. Cheap rates. Would suit professionals in the British media. Fully furnished with space for free speech, features and articles. No Independent regulators or politicians need apply.