Posts Tagged ‘ Eggs ’

News in Brief- Gardai Enjoy Eggcellent Banter


For the day that was in it this week you have to be careful what you believe in this edition of NIB . . .

Limerick Council have introduced a new approach to dog littering, installing motion activated sensors that remind dog walkers to pick up after their pooch. NIB thinks it is a fantastic idea and could be rolled out to other areas of anti-social behaviour, OR EVEN BETTER, make them holograms! If Paul O’Connell popped up in the street as you casually threw aside a fag butt you’d be pretty quick about picking it up again. Continue reading

News in Brief-Benedict Packs It In As Meteor Shower Strikes Russia

russiaWe’re all still talking about horses this week as it seems equine DNA is turning up in everything from lasagne to the Vatican where even the Pope has been taken off the shelf. Old Benedict has decided it’s time to stop tuning in to the big fella upstairs, he’s had enough of his rubbish horse meat jokes. Continue reading

News in Brief- Giant Snowman Kidnapped From Wicklow As Cork Councillor Suggests Remedy For Doggy Dirt

snowyJust call him Leveson Walsh, old Louis’s fought press laws and he’s won. The X Factor judge has this week settled a €500,000 defamation action against News Group Newspapers in Ireland. This comes alongside the results of the Lord Justice Leveson inquiry into press standards in the UK. The full four volume work was published yesterday and could see the papers going quiet over the water. But not News in Brief. No, we shall continue un-rumbled by the regulators for a while at least.

It’s not even the 1st of December but Santa and his helpers are on red alert. Particularly in County Wicklow where Snowy, the imaginatively named, giant snowman has gone missing and up to five hundred Christmas trees have also been nabbed.

Growers are employing extra security and even installing CCTV to protect their pines. But for poor Snowy it was too little, too late. Last seen wearing a black hat and carrot nose, the sixty foot inflatable worth approximately €3000, went missing from his home above a shop on Fitzwilliam street in the town. Although there have been some reported sightings nothing has been confirmed.

Enda nearly had egg on his face yesterday as students protested against grants cuts at University College Dublin. The Taoiseach who was visiting the university to launch their new sports centre narrowly avoided the missiles. Members of Free Education for Everyone who were involved in orchestrating the demonstration accused Mr Kenny’s budget of targeting societies most vulnerable. A worthy cause, but who’ll stand up for cannon fodder, those poor innocent chickens?

Some say he can smell dogs mess from four miles away. Some say his family call him the Super Pooper Scooper. All we know is that a councillor in Cork wants to start DNA testing dogs mess in an effort to crack down on pavement foulers! Cllr Kevin O’Keeffe (FF) raised the issue at a recent council meeting after researching similar methods used in the US.

Apparently any accidents at Sellafield nuclear site would have no ill effects on Ireland according to a new report but News in Brief fears it may be too late. Earlier this week another two Jedwards, clones (all right if you’ve seen them that’s questionable) of the original two were unleashed on the world! A Jedquad if you will. It’s OK though the two new Grimes’ are only wax works at the National Wax Museum in Dublin. We hope.

And finally Newstalk radio posed an interesting question during the week. Do Protestants put the toaster in the press overnight? Answers on a postcard.

Space for rent. Cheap rates. Would suit professionals in the British media. Fully furnished with space for free speech, features and articles. No Independent regulators or politicians need apply.

Healthy (and Tasty!) Lunch Recipes

Roasted Butternut Squash Salad. 

  • 1/2 Butternut Squash, chopped and roasted in the oven for about 30mins, until softened and browned.
  • 1/4 block of Feta Cheese, crumbled.
  • Handful of Mixed Leaves such as Lamb’s Lettuce, Spinach and Rocket.


  • 1 tblsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tblsp. Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 tsp. chopped oregano

Place the leaves on a plate, sprinkle over the roasted butternut squash and crumbled feta cheese. Pour over the dressing and mix to combine.


Mixed Veg and Ham Omelette

  • One Egg
  • One Egg White
  • 1/2 Cup of Milk (skimmed or full-fat)
  • 1/2 Green Pepper, chopped.
  • 1/2 Red Pepper, chopped.
  • 1/4 Courgette, chopped.
  • 1/2 Red Onion, chopped finely.
  • 1 Slice of Crumbed Ham, chopped.
  • Chopped fresh or dried Parsley
  • Seasoning.

Heat up olive oil or low calorie spray in a frying pan. Mix all ingredients together until combined. When the frying pan is hot, pour the mixture in. Meanwhile, heat up the grill in order to cook the top of the omelette. When the top of the omelette has almost set and the bottom is browned, place the frying pan under the grill with the handle facing out so you do not burn yourself taking it out. When the top is browned to your liking remove the frying pan from the grill, place the omelette on a plate and serve with the carrot and pumpkin seed side salad -> recipe below.


Chickpea Stew

  • 2 Cloves of Garlic, chopped finely.
  • 1 medium Onion, chopped finely.
  • 1 Red Chilli, deseeded.
  • 1 Green Pepper, chopped.
  • 1 Red Pepper, chopped.
  • 1/2 Courgette, chopped.
  • 1 Can of Chickpeas
  • 1 Carton of Passata or 1 tin of Chopped tomatoes, blended till smooth.
  • 2 tblsp. of finely chopped fresh Parsley or Coriander
  • Seasoning.

Heat up olive oil in a heavy-based saucepan. When hot, sauteé the onion, garlic and chilli until the onion is transparent. Add the vegetables and cook until softened, but still firm. You do not want to overcook them. Add the passata/tin of tomatoes and simmer for about 10-15mins. Add chickpeas and seasoning. Cook for a further 10mins and serve hot with crusty bread. This can be frozen in batches and taken to work in a lunchbox.


Moroccan-Style Chargrilled Veg Salad


  • 1/2 Green Pepper, large slice.
  • 1/2 Red Pepper, large slice.
  • 1/4 Courgette, cut into round slices.


  • 1/2 a bag of portioned wholegrain cous-cous

Moroccan-Style Dressing

  • 1 tblsp. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 tblsp. Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 tblsp. of finely chopped Mint
  • 1 tsp. of Cumin
  • 1 tblsp. Lemon Juice
  • Seasoning

Chargrill all vegetables on a hot griddle pan or a George Foreman grill until softened and slightly blackened (only slightly!)

Open the portioned bag of cous-cous and put it in a bowl. Cover with boiling water. Leave for 10mins. When softened place on a plate and serve the chargrilled vegetables on top of the cous-cous.

Spoon dressing over salad and mix to combine. Serve with warm pita bread.


Carrot and Pumpkin Seed Side Salad

  • 2 Carrots, grated.
  • 1 Garlic Clove, grated.
  • Sprinkle of Pumpkin Seeds

Healthy Dressing

  • 1 tblsp. Balsamic Vinegar
  • 1 tblsp. Lemon Juice
  • 1 tsp. finely chopped Coriander
  • Seasoning

Mix together the grated carrot, garlic and pumpkin seeds. Pour over dressing and mix to combine. Serve with your lunch or dinner for a healthy side salad.


Turkey and Guacamole Pita Bread

Healthy Guacamole

  • 1/2 Avocado, mashed.
  • 2 Cherry Tomatoes, chopped finely.
  • 1/2 Red Chilli, deseeded and chopped finely.
  • 1/4 Red Onion, chopped finely.
  • Squeeze of lime juice
  • Seasoning
  • 1 tsp. of greek yoghurt or sour cream or créme fraiche

Combine all the guacamole ingredients with the mashed avocado. Toast the pita and open it out. Place a slice of turkey onto the pita bread. Spread the healthy guacamole onto the turkey slice. Close the pita and cut into half. Serve with the carrot and pumpkin seed side salad.